Data to be entered is based on architectural drawings and on the expected building usage and equipment data. This facilitates checking of the input by the user. The input is structured so that repeatable data needs to be entered only once. It is later retrieved by reference where required.
Templates are included within Bsimac 9 with pre-populated ventilation rates, occupancy rates, and internal loads for different classes of buildings in accordance with SANS 10400-XA. This speeds up the data entry procedure. As an example, the time required to enter job data for a two-story office building with a 2000 m² floor area is about 8 to 10 minutes.
User Manual and Help
A comprehensive User Manual is included with Bsimac 9 and contextual Help is available on most input screens giving explanations and default values for the required input. For users who do not have specific knowledge of HVAC equipment, there are Help notes with defaults and suggestions on how to enter data for split-type HVAC equipment (wall units, cassettes, hideaways – the types used in many small to medium-sized buildings). This assists the Architect with the evaluation of the whole building, without the need of involving an HVAC engineer.
The expected range of the input values is shown on the data input screens. Any entered values that fall outside of the expected range, are shown in red to alert the user.
In addition, extensive checking of the input data is carried out by Bsimac 9 before the start of computations. Should there be any inconsistency in the data, a warning message would be displayed explaining the problem and how to fix it, followed by the display of the screen where a correction is required.
All input data can be printed or saved as a text file for record-keeping purposes.
Input Screen for Wall/Roof/Floor Construction
Input screen for Rooms